
About Liza Becker

I'm a simple girl... I love family, bubbles, photography, nature, sunsets and animals, especially DOGS. You can always catch up with me on one of my Instagram accounts @honoringzaria with my foster pups that etch their love into my heart. My favorite color is fall, a conglomeration of colors I'm always in awe of. I love seeing life from a different perspective and posting how I see life on my other Instagram account @throughmyeyestoyours allows me to show you how I see life through photography which explains a feeling, a thought or a story. My latest favorite photography genre is real estate photography. I have been perfecting my techniques for over five years.I have an Instagram account @wncproimages that previews my work. I'm passionate about getting the perfect images no matter the size or features of the home. Every home deserves to look it's best and that's where my expertise comes into play. I am dedicated and passionate about getting the photos that stand out and stand apart from your competition.